
The Marathas are an ancient and Martial race of India. They came to prominence under the Chalukyas, and were instrumental in Chalukya king's victory over Emperor Harshavardhan.
Later Maratha Yadava Dynasty ruled what is known today as deccan plateau.
After the end of Yadava Dynasty, started the Islamic dominance of deccan. surprisingly within a few decades of Yadavas fall, a number of principalities or small kingdoms cropped up in konkan region.
Time and again many of them were subjected to invasions and loot, but they held their ground as ants hold fast to sugar cube. The invaders understood the futility of besieging them and entered in treaties with these lords. They were to be feudal lords of Badshah(King/High-King) and in return were to provide the kingdom with men and gold. Ofcourse, Konkan being adequately populated and blessed with safe harbours along its coastline, Men and Gold was not an issue with these newly made feudal lords.
These feudal lords were variously known as Watandars, Jagirdars, etc.
A few more decades and they completely forgot they were once FREE and independent(pls note that muslims till 18th century WERE considered invaders). They were once part of a great kingdom, their own kingdom, their own ruler. But now, things changed. a Myth was formed "that nothing could stand in front of Badshah's forces"(although there are  many examples where this "Myth" was contradicted).
Few more decades, the marathas had become the Pillars of Badshah's Realm(One Brahman was actually made Peshwa of Badshah).
But although the Phoenix was burnt to ashes, it is also its destiny to rise from the same ashes.
And so we come to the beginning of Maratha Empire.
Please visit the given link for more information on maratha empire.
although it is lacking in many respects it shoul give you an overall view before you start browing this store house of knowledge.